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Wootz is a global best value sourcing platform that specializes in custom engineering equipment and solutions.
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Wootz is a global best value sourcing platform that specializes in custom engineering equipment and solutions.
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Wootz is a global best value sourcing platform that specializes in custom engineering equipment and solutions.
Get quotation within 24 hours
Wootz is a global best value sourcing platform that specializes in custom engineering equipment and solutions.
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2nd Floor, Eldeco Centre, Block A, Shivalik Colony, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017

3rd Floor, G.K.Mall, near Kokane Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027
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Frequently asked questions

How does Wootz.work differentiate from other procurement platforms?

Redefining the norms of conventional marketplaces, Wootz.work goes beyond just connecting buyers with sellers—it links them directly to products and solutions. With an understanding of basic parameters and buyers geography, industry and application, Wootz.work’s technology can instantly tailor products, contextualizing existing SME capabilities for the buyers unique requirements and provide quotations in 24 hours (a process that could normally take upto 4 weeks).

How quickly can I find a product or solution on Wootz.work?

Our platform is designed to match buyers with relevant products and solutions within a swift 24-hour timeframe.

What is "Best Value Sourcing"?

Best Value Sourcing prioritizes both quality and cost-effectiveness in procurement, ensuring that buyers receive superior products at competitive prices. It goes beyond just pricing to consider factors like efficiency, durability, after-sales support, and overall value.

How does Wootz.work ensure product quality and compliance?

We emphasize value engineering, ensuring that products are optimized for installation, shipping, and compliance to end-market serviceability standards. Furthermore, we consolidate warranties across various manufacturers.

Do you offer after-sales support?

Yes, Wootz.work is committed to providing round-the-clock after-sales support to all its customers.

How does Wootz.work handle delivery and shipping?

We guarantee a smooth and seamless delivery process, right to the customer's location, ensuring that products reach our clients safely and on time. We work with multiple fright forwarders and provide you the most efficient delivery options at cost.

What are 'virtual factory tours'?

We offer virtual factory tours allowing our clients to virtually explore and inspect the manufacturing facilities, ensuring transparency and building trust.

Can I track my order and fulfillment process?

Absolutely! Wootz.work provides comprehensive fulfillment dashboards that allow customers to track their orders from the point of procurement to delivery.